Congratulations again! I see you made it here. That's a good start!

Now on to the first step in setting up your very own 

Multiplying Paid E-mail Business!

First things cannot get paid by any of the paid e-mail programs unless you have accounts with ALL of them - so - that's what you will be doing first. The GOOD part is that most ALL of these companies give you a little "bonus" just to sign up! So, by the end of the next hour, you are going to be over \\$100 RICHER!

Not a bad start, huh?

REMEMBER - use your new FREE e-mail address when you sign up for these accounts. I also encourage you to use the same password in each account - a lot easier to keep track of. Otherwise - your regular e-mail box will get full of the paid to read e-mails or you may not be able to log into one of your accounts.


Just click on the links and sign up then come back here to go to the next one.

Get Paid To Read Emails

This one Pays $30 BONUS! Click here!

Now this one pays EXTREMELY well. The catch is that they give you and ID number and you cannot use a username or e-mail address to access your account. So - just be sure and write down your account number.

The other day a friend of mine was whining and takes soooo long to sign up for all those paid e-mail programs...whine whine whine. Let me tell you - you now have almost $100 that you didn't have about 15 minutes ago. Nice huh? Patience, my friend, is indeed a virtue. That's why I give you this stuff over 3 days. If you can't wait that long - you don't have the patience to set this up anyway. If you CAN wait - you WILL succeed!

Y Read 4 Free? \$1 Bonus!

$10 Bonus! E-mail Pays U

One of the Best to build referals is MikesPaid4Email

The Major Money Group



Get Rich by E-mail (please! only with THIS program)


This is a GOOD ONE!


Another very good Program! Low Minimums!

WebberCash Nice Payouts

One of our Favorites is Betty Bucks build a great downline with this one!

Lots of Paid emails with Bluefishy

Check this out even get PaidtoLearn

Updated 11/27/2003