Hi! Welcome to my little corner of the web. I hope that you will learn a little bit about me and what I am all about. This is a pic of me and my sister. I am on your right.
Just a little about myself. I was born and raised in a small town in Indiana. I graduated from Indiana State University in December of 1995 with a degree in Elementary Education. I am currently working in social work, in a program called First Steps.
I have recently decided to go back to college to study computers. I am figuring on getting my associates in computer programming at Ivy Tech State College. The lack of teaching jobs around this area lead me to my decision to go back to college.
I have found myself to be a huge cat lover. I have three cats. Two of my cats were strays that have wandered to my house and have stayed. My two strays names are Blackie and Cali. My true pride and joy is my Russian Blue kitten, Stormy.He came to live with me in August and we have become great pals. Here is a picture of him.
I am also a 1st degree black belt in the American Tae Kwon Do Assiociation. I have been studying Tae Kwon Do (TKD) for a little over three years now.
A little bit of an update on my Tae Kwon Do. We have recently changed organizations to USTF (United States Taekwon Do Federation). We have an international championship tournament coming up in Cancun , Mexico (Oct 23). Wish me luck!
My favorite place on the net is the WBS. I have met many friends there and spend entirely too much time there chatting :)
Another one of my hobbies is reading horror fiction. One of my favorite authors is Stephen King.
As far as living in Indiana goes, it hasn't been that bad. Check out some cool things in Indiana and the surrounding areas.
Don't forget to check out my picture page!! Pics are listed from most recent to older pics.
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