Yep, you guessed it, this is me January 17, 1998 at a friends house. Kind of an old pic! =)

Take your coat off and Stay Awhile!!

You are the lucky person to visit here since February 11, 1998!!

Whew....has it been a long time since I've been here!! Alright, again, my page is under some big time construction, sooo....check in every once in awhile to see what new and exciting things I've done!!!

There's lots of exciting (depending on your viewpoint! :-) things to look at here, including my biography (YIPEE!!), my internet friends page, my inspiration page and much, much more!! I'm working on this thing constantly so be sure to check in every few days or so and see what other new and wonderful things I've done!! :-)

SOO....enjoy yourself...and be sure to sign my guestbook!!!

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