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AKA Catwoman45 on ICQ (UIN #843631)

uc bricks

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free speech


One of my favorite sights, sunset at the beach.

The song you hear in the background is from "Variations on a Theme by Paganinni" by Serge Rachmaninoff.  This is my favorite piece of music. I first heard it in the movie "Somewhere In Time" with Christopher Reeve and Jane Seymour.


You can see some of my photos here.


You can read some of my poetry here.
(being added to as I get them web-ready)

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My favorite books and authors here
tv My favorite TV shows here


Visit some of my favorite links here

lava lamp lava lamp lava lamp lava lamp lava lamp lava lamp lava lamp

KC helmet

I have been a Kansas City Chiefs fan for many years.  Way before the "Joe Montana Years," all the way back to the days of Len Dawson and Jan Stenarud.

They always seem to make the playoffs, and one day they WILL be the Super Bowl Champions.  One just has to have faith.   (LOL)

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As far as I know, all images here are public domain.  If I am in error about this, please let me know.
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This site is and probably will always be "Under Construction" so check back often. Soon to come, some of my favorite photographs, links to my favorite TV shows and movies.