Hello All! Thank you for dropping by. As you can see, I have many "obsessions." Currently they're
 Irish Step Dancing, and the X-files, but there's a lot of other stuff here. A LOT of other
 stuff. Anybody know where I can find more free web space?? Oh, and if you got here some other
way, the main way in here is through http://fly.to/purplefeet.
(This may take a while to load, I'm a picture junkie(^8)
 Click on the pictures!!!
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About Kate

(Irish Step Dancers Kick Butt!) (a little dancer's humor, there.)

The Kate England Life Soundtrack Project

Links to other sites, webrings, and awards!!!!!

The Credits!

This is a

(Click on it. I couldn't resist.)

Click here if you're sick of all the hubbub about the millenium!

You are now entering the Land of Totally Useless Stuff!!!
(that I like)

This is my little friend.
He likes to dance.
Dancing makes him happy.
Do you like to dance?
I like to dance.

This is Luna - she's my Virtual Dolphin.
(I wanted a real one, but my parents said No Way)
You are the person to visit my planet!

This is my little privately spnsored spaceship that has been sent out to find the truth.
(and Mulder's sister)
Click here and wish them luck!
Post No Bills
takes care of this looney place.
You can reach her at
Roll the Credits!!

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