Kestrel's Korner

Welcome to my home!!

Hello, hello, hello!!!!
WOOHOO!!!!! Another visitor to my page!!! I just LOVE new entries in my guestbook... so please take a moment to sign and let me know you were here. *wink*J

Ok, Ok!!! *L* Since someone *carefully does NOT look at the big floofy creature in the corner* seems to think that my homepage needs to be updated... Sheesh! Just because I now live in a different state with a different job and have been here for a few months... heheheheheh.. ok ok... so maybe it was a touch out of date.. *LOL*
Anyway... This page is now updated! So I decree! *L*

Well... since you are here, I assume you would like to know a little bit about me... *G*... So what do you want to know? Huh? *L* Well I can tell you one thing from the start... If you are here to find out what I look like, you might as well turn around. *S* If you want to know me... if you want to find out about me... TALK to me... because that is the only way. *S* Okay.. so what else? *g* *L*)

Well... I was born in October of 1973, so I am currently 25 years old. (Hah! Even updated that within 24 hrs of my birthday! *S* ) I grew up in Morgantown, WV and I consider that my hometown. I graduated from Morgantown High School in 1991 and moved on to Wilson College for Women in Chambersburg, PA, where I majored in Equestrian Studies (horses). I graduated in 1995 and am now a Horse Trainer and Certified Riding Instructor. But I'm not working with horses right now and haven't been for a while. *S* I spent almost two years doing some Stone Masonry work, managing the production plant of a business that makes handcrafted stone. It's a veneer stone that when installed looks like a real stone wall.. but alot cheaper! *L* That was during the three years I lived NE of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I was planning to move to Georgia... and there were lots of reasons for doing that... but then there were lots of reasons for moving to Columbus, Ohio with a couple of friends of mine, too. *S* And even a couple for not moving to Georgia after all... So here I am in Ohio! *grinz*

Maybe I'll move to Georgia another year... then again... maybe I won't! *L* I'll decide another time... *GRIN* I might try to get back into my field, preferably doing rehabilitation work with abused and neglected horses. But right now I am really just taking some time and exploring my options... when else will I ever have the chance? *impish grin* *L* So I'm doing something else that I love... I work in a bookstore.. surrounded by books... with a discount that just completely delights me! Ok.. so that hurts my paycheck some weeks... *L*

I absolutely love animals of all shapes, sizes, and types. *S* I have a Husky/Wolf/Rottweiler hybrid named Jesse with the bluest eyes you have ever seen. *G* I also have two cats, a white one named Elspeth and a black one named Mackenzie, both with golden eyes. I also have a Thoroughbred/Appaloosa cross horse named CJ's Echo Mountain's Fantasy. For a number of reasons which I won't go into here, I found it necessary to find him a new home. He is curretly happily ensconced in a family barn with two other horses where he is fast becoming a spoiled little ninny.. *G*... but that is why I chose the family I did. I still consider him mine... and always will... because he holds a piece of my heart.

I love reading and am frequently in the midst of several books at once. Especially now that I have such a ready access to them... *L* It seems the company wants us to have a solid knowledge of our product.. so I can checkout any book I want just to read. *HAPPY SMILE* I also collect quotes from anywhere and everywhere... If you have a favorite, feel free to send it to me! *G* There is a link below that lists a few of my favorite ones.

I spend a lot of my time netside on ICQ or just surfing around... but most often you can find me at the
(no frames version).
The Virtual Irish Pub (frames) is where I met all of my cyber family... and of course, my sweetie Rohan. *HUGE SMILE* He is a very important part of my life.. Heck. He is a very important part of me and I love him very much. *S* Anyway... Another place I spend alot of time at is Avalon. So stop by and visit some time! I can also sometimes be found in horse chat sites... or whatever site strikes my fancy... *L*


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The Wilson College Mounted Drill Team

(That's me and my boy, 3rd back on the right. The light one *G*)

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