My Family

my family is very important to me… my husband puts up with my passion of photography and computers… we have been married 22 years… we produced two wonderful children… who I love dearly… my daughter is able to drive so be warned… and my son claims to be the next pro skateboarder…


Picture of Me


did someone mention the outdoors… the beach…the mountains…

where's my camera…
I always have my camera with me… so when I see that prefect shot I won't miss it…from photography to computers do you see the similarities… I was raised around computers… we finally got a Tandy when I was in high school… what a thrill… I have had several systems since then … I remember when my 486, 8 megs of ram was hot, then I discovered the Internet… it was a Christmas present, just needed a better modem on "old faithful" to access the net… after that the world of multi-tasking really opened up… I just had to have Windows 95 with a bigger faster system… and more ram… let's not forget more ram… ah yes, the prefect birthday present, but I couldn't wait until my birthday, I had to have it yesterday, by the time my birthday finally rolled around I needed a scanner… I am not really spoiled, glancing over at my hubby lovingly, a gleam in my eyes, Christmas is just around the corner…


the internet has become a way of life overnight… from computer talk to internet chatter my poor family has lost its mom, the primary principal figure in the house whole to the wonderful world of the web…
Things I Like To Do Just Because
  • meet new people…
  • take silly pictures of people…
  • play cards and games…
Things I Need To Do Yesterday
  1. create my own web page…
  2. reduce my phone bill…
  3. clean my house… "not"

Favorite Links

my teachers homepage… press softly
the news around the world… press softly

udating website… press softly

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