Welcome to the Bobcat's Lair

"This is hardcore" -Blur

WARNING!!! If you have seen me wandering around NYU with camera in hand, chances are your photo appears on this website. If you've ever been anywhere with me, and noticed my purse was bulkier than usual, your photo is definitely here. Did you ever do anything embarassing while I was in the room? Your photo is here, and probably enlarged to poster size. All this I've done to portray life on the campus of NYU. It's unique in the fact that we don't have a real campus, just dorms places in random previously vacant buildings. We're right in the middle of Manhattan with our futures still ahead of of. For some of us, that means we're still defining the pathway to it, where that path will lead (trust me, it's a question that gets harder and harder to answer as you get older). We like not being sheltered or caged in; it gives a unique opportunity to explore our city, ourselves, and our destiny. This is NYU...

The Never-Ending Story: Part One

It happens anywhere, what seems like all the time...You're in your dorm room studying and doing your homework, then suddenly your next door neighbor appears from across the hall wanting to chat, begging you to take a study break. This a common behavior of the "Studentus Procrastinatus", prevalent in most universities. Aching for any distraction that will stop you from reading the stack of assigned articles, each as dry as the bread rotting in your refrigerator, you succumb to the biddings of this person... Sensing the lack of focus in the room, other students begin to join you and your friend. Now you've created a massive chill out lounge for you and your friends. Hope you've got plenty of decorations, movies, music, and food (they'll eat it ALL). This behavior never ceases. Why? Because room hopping is a great way to get free entertainment in a city where nothing is cheap, except for maybe the materials used to create your dorm walls. Since the average student budget is close to "fuzz-in-pocket-per-month", no matter how small your dorm room is, they will all cram in there to get a piece of the action.

Time passes and you're having fun laughing, talking and joking around with your friends around a TV screen that is somewhere between 10-13 inches big with a built in VCR and listening to the three hundred mp3s you downloaded because your computer speakers are ten times louder than the dinky ghettobox gathering dust in some remote corner of your room forgotten to everyone but the rats and roaches. Glancing around the room, your eyes are haulted by the ungodly time of night displayed by your clock. A sickening feeling passes through your as you realize at least four hours ago, you were trying to finish your homework so you could go to bed early. Now the bed is the furthest thing from your mind, as you turn your attention to the stack of unread assignments piled atop your desk. Sensing your panic, the procrastinators leave your room, wishing not to be blamed for your neglected work. Now what are you going to do? Easy! Forget this night ever happened, take your coat and leave the room. Stay out as late as you want and tomorrow morning, go to the nurse's office complaining of flu-like symptoms such as fatigue, nausea, and puffy eyes.

This Way to NYC

City Pockets: Our Corners of New York City–Special Events, Dormlife, Student Activities, Classes, Workstudy

All Night Long– Weekend Venues, Hot Night Spots

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