About time you got here, come on in.


Hi, you have entered my master's house. I am the door mouse and it is my job to protect you during your stay. Please enter, you will be met by your host, Mighty Mouse.

G'day, and a big Aussie welcome to you. My name is Mick, aka Mighty Mouse, aka MightyM, and I will be your host during your stay. You have obviously come to my house to see who the hell I am and what makes me tick. By the time you leave here you will know a lot more about me and how I live.

You are now standing in the hallway, which is the beginning of your tour, so kick off your shoes, you will not want them in here as the carpet is 100% pure, soft wool. (From our very best sheep of course.) Each footstep will feel like you are walking upon a cloud. Follow me and I will show you where everything is. When we reach the lounge room, I will briefly tell my life story and answer any questions which you may have.

You are then free to wander around the Mighty Mouse House at your own leisure and find the special things that are in each room.

The first room on your right is the main bedroom and en-suite bathroom. In this room you will learn all about the sexual meaning of colours. There is a huge photo of me hanging on the wall which you may want to see.

In the en-suite bathroom, you will learn of my adventures in Thailand. There are lots of photos too.

The next room is on your left. This is the second bedroom which I have converted to my study. It is in here that you will meet my chat friends. There is another picture of me in there.

Next on your right is the laundry. In here you can go for a spin in the tumble drier and listen to the story of my trip to California and Nevada. More pictures in there. Along side the laundry is the main bathroom. Here, you will be able to read about my adventures when I visited Canada. Picture? Sure is, you will be getting sick of all the damn photos.

The third bedroom is next to the bathroom. In here you can learn all about the attributes of a Libran male that apply to me, you can also learn about your Zodiac sign as well as read your most compatible love sign. There is also another picture.

You will find all sorts of junk in the garage. I have pulled out some rubbish and put together a thoroughly disgusting page of sound files and photographs. Be careful not to get too dirty, it is awfully dusty in there and you are sure to come out with a filthy mind.

You are now standing in the dining room. The furniture in here is crafted from teak. The buffet is well stocked with spirits, liquors, port, wine and cocktails. Allow me to pour you a drink. If you prefer beer, cold water or espresso coffee, I can supply those from the next room, the kitchen. You should visit the kitchen later to listen to me talking and singing for you, and to see yet another picture of me.

Please click on the Lounge Room button to continue your tour.

Please remember, you MUSTreturn to this page to sign my guest book.

LOUNGE ROOM  My life story plus photos.

KITCHEN  Sounds of my voice plus photos.

LAUNDRY  Mighty Mouse visits America plus photos.

3RD BEDROOM  Your Zodiac sign plus photos.

2ND BEDROOM  My chat friends plus photos.

BATHROOM  Mighty Mouse visits Canada plus photos.

ENSUITE BATHROOM  Mighty Mouse visits Thailand plus photos.

GARAGE  Disgusting information and sound files plus photos.

MAIN BEDROOM  Sexual meanings of colours plus photos.


View my first guest book

View my second guest book

View my third guest book

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