Dr. D' has
agreed that she will, ion
occasion, answer questions submitted by one of her
many admirers.
a If you are in
urgent need of questionable
advice and would like to ask a question of Dr. D'... a If you feel a word of
wisdom guided by Dr. D's clinical acumen will be the
only way you can break free of this all consuming
problem... a Then please forward it to
her at a If Dr. D' feels that she
will be able to guide you in your quest for
understanding, for closure, for happiness (and a
squirrel or two might be nice), she will answer your
question RIGHT
this very web page. a If
she does not answer your question here, one
of a few things might have happened: |
2. She is still rolling on the
floor laughing at how lame you are for having such a
stupid question;
3. She is napping (something
she does exceptionally well); |
4. She is out hunting critters
(something she does all the time with not much
success); |
5. She was so traumatized by
your problem she decided to reenter psychoanalysis
and is currently on the couch herself; |
................................. |
6. She just doesn't care! |
This question was submitted
Dr. D'. |
I have a problem. It is a
big one too. Actually, it is two big ones. It is my ears. They are very big. VERY VERY
big. Everyone makes fun of me. Even my mother. What should I do? |
Dr. D' Responds:
Lucy, Lucy.
Lucy, Lucy, Lucy! |
What can I say?
I know from your problems. But with me it is not big
ears. With me it is stubby legs. Everyone makes fun of my
stubby legs. Even though I am supposed to have stubby
legs everyone makes fun of them. Do what I do. Bite them! Wait! Are you human? If so, biting might not be
such a good idea. Biting should be reserved for any
critters who have the nerve to invade MY property....
Hmmmmmmmmm. (that's shrink talk you know). Hmmmmmmmmm. I don't
seem to be able
to ..... Now I
Have it! It's your mother's fault!
It was your mother than gave you the gene for big
ears. Go and rank on her. That's it! PHEW! I forgot for a moment what I learned in shrink
school. It is always the
mother's fault! Always! (That's why I was spayed -
to keep it from being my fault...). Go bite your mother. (She is related and will
forgive you - Just remember not to bite other
humans). There. Now don't you feel
better. |
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