Hi I'm Lisa ...or just plain Mom
I'm still pretty technically challenged...ok, Im not technically challenged, Im just lazy...BUT I've got sound, I've got backgrounds, I've got cute little dancing dots...I even have pictures!! What more can a person ask for!! Please be patient as I learn how to add more pictures and links to my page. I want this to be a fun place to visit and I will hopefully put a smile on your face.

My interests are:
having more fun than should be legally possible.

The Mission of my page is:
to spread good cheer and happy thoughts.....or to irritate and annoy, depending on your perspective.

For a good time, CLICK HERE To Meet Me

You are lucky victim number

And now...a word from my previous victims
Please don't forget to sign my guestbook

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My page is dedicated to my wonderful husband who has shown me what it is like to be loved unconditionally, and who has brought more joy into my life than I had ever thought possible.
Thank you, everyone! Those who were there...who supported me, took the time to do the little things, and helped me along the way........I love you all!!!! And to the new friends that come into my life, thank you sharing a part of your life with me.


This is for everyone who has been a friend to me and helped me to make it to where I am today!!

And for all of those who made my life even worse (and you know who you are) by being judgmental and ignorant....BITE ME!!

Email me at AngelBaybe@msn.com

Please come back soon and visit me.

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