Erin's Excellent Exciting Homepage!
LinkExchange Member
hey!stop don't take this!Take the below banner instead!

NoNoNNoNoNoNo!!!!Don't take that banner take the other one underneath, a friend made it. write her on ICQ @ 4073821!
take this one instead!

Many thanks to Sarah for helping me get that banner on my page!
To get it on yours use the following commands:<A HREF="/SouthBeach/Cove/4842/"> <IMG SRC="/SouthBeach/Cove/4842/erinbnr.gif"></A> Hey, I have a new page. It is like, what do you think? When you've finished make sure you come back and fill it out. Just click here. Sorry, I haven't updated my page for ages here! I will try and update it more often, I have a new browser, so I can upload things myself now :) thanks to anyone who helped me upload when I didn't have a good browser, look, I uploaded this soccer man, isn't he cute?

If you came here from a link from a someone else's page and got a message saying this page has moved please notify the owner of the page that you cam from because you'll end up having a broken link. Same with the banners, if you came via a broken banner tell them to go to my page and grab the new code. Thanks, Erin.
look, people have been here, cool!!

Stop the Copying! Campaign Stop the copying!

C-Ya at the other pages!Erin :-Þ
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