The Simple Truth is,
Options.....that's really what life is all about

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Enjoy yourself, and keep coming back as this place grows and grows.

My sister Elena's Christian Page.Hi Nena!

Mom's European Vacation Hi Mom!

My Nephew AJ's Page Hi AJ!

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Updated 19 June 06


Art Quiroz

Air Force
Ski Trip

Message To Garcia

To the left are links that will take you into my world. It is a simple place, mostly pictures of my family and my travels. enjoy

Changes in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes

By: Jimmy Buffett

I took off for a weekend last month
Just to try and recall the whole year
All of the faces and all of the places
Wonderin' where they all disappeared
I didn't ponder the question too long
I was hungry and went out for a bite
Ran into a chum with a bottle of rum
And we wound up drinkin all night

It's these changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes
Nothing remains quite the same
With all of our running and all of our cunning
If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane

Reading departure signs in some big airport
Reminds me of the places I've been
Visions of good times that brought so much pleasure
Makes me want to go back again

If it suddenly ended tomorrow
I could somehow adjust to the fall
Good times and riches and son of a bitches
I've seen more than I can recall

These changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes
Nothing remains quite the same
Through all of the islands and all of the highlands
If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane

I think about Paris when I'm high on red wine
I wish I could jump on a plane
So many nights I just dream of the ocean
God I wish I was sailin' again
Oh, yesterday's over my shoulder
So I can't look back for too long
There's just too much to see waiting in front of me
And I know that I just can't go wrong

With these changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes
Nothing remains quite the same
With all of my running and all of my cunning
If I couldn't laugh I just would go insane
If we couldn't laugh we just would go insane
If we weren't all crazy we would go insane

I Love The Now
By: Jimmy Buffett, Carrie Fisher 1986

It's the reason for livin'
But that's what I'm givin'
I don't need a history lesson
To tell me why

I mean I'm in no hurry
To hustle and scurry
There's so much to see
And life ain't gonna pass me by

Tomorrow's right around the corner
I'll get there somehow
But I'm stuck in the meantime
And I love the now

I love the now (all the faces and places)
I love the now (all the rats and the races)
It's the only place I've ever been
It's the only way that I know how

Don't talk about your superstitions
Don't talk about your cats meow
But don't talk about tomorrow tonight
I love the now

It's true we've got problems
How do we solve 'em
Better break out your thinkin' cap
And your old dunce cone

Searchin' for answers like interpretive dancers
She asks me for reasons
Then tells me to wait for the tone

The whole damn world's gone crazy
The moon is jumpin' over the cow
How can you help but
Not love the now

I love the now (all the ranting and raving)
I love the now (all the cussin' and craving)
It's the only mess I've ever seen
It's the only place where I know how

Don't talk about your futuristic
Don't talk about your "thee's" and "thou's"
Don't talk about tomorrow tonight
I love the now

(horn and harp instrumental)

Sittin' on 'G'
Waitin' on 'O'
I'm exactly where
I want to go

I love the now (all the pain and the pleasure)
I love the now (all the blood and the treasure)
It's the only circus that I know
It's the only ring where I'm allowed

Talk about a standing ovation
Everybody take a bow
But don't talk about tomorrow tonight
I love the now

But don't talk about tomorrow tonight
I love the now
No don't talk about tomorrow tonight
I love the now

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Boat Drinks

Boat Drinks
By: Jimmy Buffett

Boat drinks
Boys in the band ordered boat drinks
Visitors scored on the home rink
Everything seems to be wrong

Lately, newspaper mentioned cheap air fare
I gotta to fly to Saint Somewhere
I'm close to bodily harm
Twenty degrees and the hockey game's on
Nobody cares they are way too far gone
Screamin' "boat drinks", something to keep 'em all warm

This mornin', I shot six holes in my freezer
I think I got cabin fever
Somebody sound the alarm

I'd like to go where the pace of life's slow
Could you beam me somewhere Mr. Scott?
Any ol' place here on Earth or in space
You pick the century and I'll pick the spot

Oh I know, (I know)
I should be leaving this climate
I got a verse but can't rhyme it
I gotta go where it's warm

Boat drinks
Waitress I need two more boat drinks
Then I'm headin' south 'fore my dream shrinks

I gotta go where it's warm (I gotta go where it's warm)
I gotta go where it's warm (I gotta go where it's warm)
I gotta go where it's WARM!

I gotta go where there ain't any snow
Where there ain't any blow
'Cause my fin sinks so low
I gotta go where it's warm

Notes -
Background Vocals: Deborah McColl, Harry Dailey, Jimmy Buffett

Lage Nom Ai

Nordstrom was a simple man
Who had some non-conformist plan
To save his ass

Every night he danced alone
And blotted out the monotone
That was his past

He packs his bag of mysteries
And leaves the lonely memories
Where they belong

They came and went so easily
This rising tide identity
Sings like a song
Let's sing

Lage Nom Ai Nom Ai
When you know that life is just a game
Lage Nom Ai Nom Ai (Oh!)
He's the man who gave up his own name

In the roll of the cosmic dice
You win one heart and lose it twice
Before you know

Love is fine until you taste
This melancholy bouillabaisse
Called letting go

Lage Nom Ai Nom Ai
When you know that life is just a game
Lage Nom Ai Nom Ai (Hey!)
He's the man who gave up his own name

He moved on up to old Beantown
And summered on the Vineyard Sound
To pass the day (day ay ay oh)

Island hopping Crab Key bound
Tendin' bar he thinks he's found
A better way (ay ay ay oh)

Now we're back where we belong
Without a clue and still without
A master plan (ay ay ay oh)

Incident or accident
It all depends on if you're meant
To understand (ay ay ay oh)

Lage Nom Ai Nom Ai
When you know that life is just a game
Lage Nom Ai Nom Ai
He's the man who gave up his own name
He's the man who gave up his own name

eah, 'ol Nordstrom's gone. Checked out. Readin'
the wrong kind of books...listenin' to that wild
Carribbean music. He wiped himself out of his own computer.
He's the man who gave up his own name. He's gone.

[NOTE: Lage Nom Ai Nom Ai is island patois which loosely translates:
"The man who gave up his own name."]

All The Jimmy Buffett Songs You Want Sing Jimmy, Sing