Mariannes' Place
Howdy!!!!!! Welcome to my ever so exciting page. Hope you enjoy your visit while your here.
Let's see where should I you already have figured out my name is Marianne. I'm 28 years old.......YIKES!!!!!!! I live in NW Oklahoma.....although don't worry guys, I still let everyone know I'm a Californian. At this moment in time I am working at a local store as the automotives dept. manager Scary thought huh? they trust me enough to be a manager.....8^P

I do have a very special guy in my life right now. His name is Bruce. He's a sweetheart & he's got a heart of gold. Got some good news......Bruce & I are going to be getting married May 19, 2001. You'll have to visit my picture page & see what a cute couple Bruce & I make. I'm hoping soon with the holidays & all that I'll have a new pictures we can post on here.

Bet your wondering what I look like huh? Oh humor me and say yes you are. Well your wondering days are over, visit my page and you can see what me and some of my friends look like.
Would you like to meet some of my ? Oh of coarse you do......hey you might find you have some of the same interests.
Hey if your ever out there chatting look me up. My ICQ# is 7866940 or if you chat in VP my name is lilblueyes.
Would you like to see some of the webrings I have joined? Sure you do....... visit my page.

You are lucky visitor  to visit my ever so exciting page........8^P
Thanks for stopping by my page. Come back and visit me again soon!!!!!! Ok I love you Bye-Bye.............8^)