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Dog's AA and Recovery Pages.


This page has been put together for alcoholics and addicts around the world.  I hope it is informative for you and helps you in your struggle to stay clean and sober.

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If you think you are an alcoholic or feel that maybe you have a problem then chances are that you have a drinking problem and need to be here.

For ya'll who wish to look around and follow a few links, be my guest and God help you find the answers that you have come here for.

Please be aware that this site is not an official AA site and is in no way supported by AA.  There are alot of quotes and sayings that are related to AA and other sources that I have come accross on my way to healing and wish to share with you.

The links below will take you  to places that will help you and that are very informative to those that are looking for answers. Please feel free to browse and always remember to take what you need and leave the rest.

This link will take you to my CHAT room where you can get to know other alcoholics and learn from them.

Here is one of my favorites because it takes me to the heart of AA. This one will take you to a page with alot of links to the AA and recovery pages.

Also there are pages for other 12 step programs there.  Some of us need those to help us through our lives also.

This is another FAVORITE of mine. This page has a few sayings and poems on it. Seems like someone was thinking of alcoholics when they wrote them.

This page is put here for those of you who want to build your own page but need help.  These LINKS are to some of the places that I got alot of my help from.

Thank You.

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If you have any questions or comments then please send your e-mail or ICQ to me and I will respond as quickly as I can.


My ICQ number is 665312.