Hi there........
welcome to my humble home....it's finally fully furnished at last! *phew*
This is not to say
that I won't be updating it.. don't be silly! Of course I'll be updating
it, and once my
holidays are here,
there'll be much more to see! I've finally put in all I've wanted to put
in, or at least
started to... if you
know me well, you'll see that this is a MAJOR accomplishment *grin* :)
Oh my.... where are my manners?? I'm
so sorry.. please do come in... but leave your shoes at the door...don't
worry.. my two lovable dogs SHEENA and Dolly will guard them , providing
they don't hide them somewhere!
Oh yeah.... in case you haven't noticed.. I live alone. I like the privacy
but sometimes it gets lonely. Thankfully, my ever thoughtful ( yah rite!)
friends do drop by for visits occasionally... you'll normally find us in
the kitchen sitting around and 'lepaking' or gossipping.. as we gals (and
guys too!) often do ;)
Oh well...if you've
taken off your shoes... do come in....click on the door and you're on your
some of you discerning friends may have noticed, I have gotten rid of the
counter that was here. This is because everytime I uploaded this page I
had to reload the counter, and it was just simply too much trouble. Screw
the counter ( not literally)! If you wanna know how many people come here..
ask me.. and I'll make something up :)
Mail me with any suggestions: