Hello eveyone! My name is Beltloop601, but before you start
thinking that my parents are cruel people, Beltloop601 is just a handle. I am the Asst. Dist. Mgr. for Vector Marketing in Jackson Mississippi,
where I teach others how to sell Cutco Cutlery.
CLICK HERETo see my links to freebies and family sites.
Click on the disk to see me on a BAD hair day!!!! The simple fact is I had it taken on the spur of the moment. But hey, I saw the opportunity and I took advantage of it.
Here is a picture of me and my wife Tammy. We were married on Dec. 17, 1988. That is 9 years this Dec. 17th. That is a LONG LONG time. LOL
This is a pic of my sister Joy and youngest brother Jeremy. Joy has a radio show in Hattiesburg Ms. called Buster and Joy in the morning on Spirit 98. She also goes to school at William Carey in H'burg. Jeremy is moving soon and so he just hangs out for the time being.
Here is a picture of my family, including my Parents, siblings, wife and Sister in law. Front row- Joy (sister), Mom (self explanitory), Marla (Sister in law), and Russell (Brother)
Second row- Pop, Jeremy (brother), Tammy (wife), and Me
My brother Wyatt is the only one on the top row.
This is me, Kevin, my brother Russell, and Kevin Byars. Kevin Byars is responsible for alot of the pics on this page. He and his digital camera were in the right time at the right place.
This is the last pic and it is of me and the family I grew up with. Jeremy is younger than the rest but he is part of the family. We have lost a couple of cousins and I want to mention Robert Bishop and Zach Johnson. They will be greatly missed. Those in the pic are
Me, Wyatt, Russell (all brothers), James (Otherwise known as Spike by us) and Kevin who just got married the day this pic was taken.
JUST IN, MORGAN (my nephew)
MY AUNT CANDY hot off the pc. Just got it in and also have a link to her site.
CLICK HERETo see my Aunt Candy's site. My list of a couple of cemeteries in Rankin County
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Well I have done all this in just a couple of days with no prior experience in building web sites. I will be updating and improving this site so BOOKMARK IT NOW. Watch the progress as I improve my little peice of the web.
Please come back soon and visit me.
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people have visited this site since Tuesday October 14th. Thanks Mom.
Email me at Beltloop601@hotmail.com .
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