Save The Date!
Richard & Michael's One Year Anniversary
October 16,2004
Honolulu, Hawaii
The Celebration Continues...
The Wedding Party
The Kodak Moment Wedding Kiss
Richard & Michael

October 16, 2003
How time flies... It's already our one year anniversary coming up.
And once again, we're taking it to the Islands of Hawaii!
If you got here from your Save The Date! invitation, then you must want DeTaiLs. We'll everything's still in the final stages of planning but here's what we got:
We will be in Hawaii October 14th thru October 19th. The special day is Saturday Oct.16th. And Final details will be posted when plans are finalized. But do plan on a fabulous time in get your tan on and get ready to PaRtY!
Please email us or call us to let us know that if you're planning to attend. This way, we can include you in the festivies we're coordinating.
Click on one of the four airline ticketing sites below and buy your tickets cos time is running out. See you in Hawaii!
aloha & mahalo!
August 6, 2004