Welcome to my home page, my little slice of the World Wide Web.
Here you will find out a little about two of my three children, AJ the oldest, and Ashli the youngest, and of course Lexy (my other half), and myself. Take a look around then sign my guest book, I'm open to any constructive thoughts and/or criticism, Aloha.
First a little about Lexy and myself.
We live on the island of Oahu, where we enjoy doing many things together. I'm a SCUBA diver and Lexy keeps threatening to get certified so we can do some diving together, I introduced her to snorkeling and she loved it! We both love Tae Kwon Do, she is a brown belt and I am a blue belt, so she is one belt ahead of me, big deal :-). We enjoy going to the beautiful beaches that surround our island to body surf, snorkel or just soak up some Hawaiian sun. Well that's just a little of what we enjoy doing together.
My picture
Mom & Marian's Visit Pg.1 Pg.2 Pg.3 Pg.4 Pg.5
My St. Louis Rams page, but only if you have a sense of humor :-)
Here is AJ's picture pages.
AJ's full name is Anthony Arnold Silva, III. AJ has grown into a fine young man and has made me very proud of him. AJ is in the Air Force, he is stationed in Italy at Aviono Air Force Base. I don't have any pictures of Aviono or Italy to post, but hope to have some in the future.
AJ's picture page
AJ's Air Force picture page
Here is my daughter Ashli's page.
Ashli's full name is Ashli Nichole Silva. Ashli and I have had a strained relationship, until recently. I hope that as time goes on our relationship will flourish and grow. Thank you Linda for your help in that. I don't have many pictures of Ashli, but on her picture page you will see some pictures from when she visited me when I lived in Kona on the big island. Ashli, if you see this, I love you very much....
Ashli's picture page
I would like to add a special thanks to Kelly and Ron.
They have helped me in many ways, like the logo and background on this page. They have also been good friends and confidants.
Aloha and Shaka guys.
Lexy and I have done it! We have opend up our business. Please visit us by clicking on our logo.
If your looking for a feast for the eyes, visit Clint Sloans page. Clint is a good friend of mine from Kona, HI., who is quickly becoming a world renowned artist. Click on Clints signature below, sit back and enjoy!
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Please come back again, I hope to update things as often as
I can...
Sign my guest book please, I'll wait!!!
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