me and my husband after 5 yeears of marrage and we are still just as happy after 10 years as we was then. - 2000
me with my first grandchild (AJ) - 2004
Hello and welcome to my website.  Let me introduce myself and tell you a few things about me and my husband.

I am in my 40's.  I like seewing, camping, fishing, and making new friends.  I collect Barbies, teddy bears, angels and Indian things.  I have 2 boys of my own and 3 stepchildren (had four but one died this last Christmas)

My husband, Bobby, is a self-taught artist who enjoys fishing, camping and doing his art work.  He does all kinds of airbrush art.  He collects Star Trek and Lord Of The Rings.

We have been happily married now for 10 years and are looking forward to growing old together.  We met in 1994, married in 1994 and believe that God put us together.  We don't have a perfect marriage as we have our arguments like everyone else but we are able to talk about them and get it out in the open.  We keep God in our lives and that is a very big help.
my oldest son with his son AJ - 2004
if you would like to email me to make a comment about my pages, please feel free to do so.  Or if you just wanna chat, please do.  I love making new friends.  I want nice clean chats though, please no dirty talking.
to read the first 5 chapters of a book I wrote, please click here.