So you're back.  Nice to see you again!  I've finally gotten around to doing some updating -- including a brand spanking new PHOTO ALBUM!  How exciting!!  Be sure to check it out, there's about 8 or 9 different pages! 
On another exciting note:  Guess who's turning 19 on October 13???  and guess how many people are coming up and going out with her on her birthday??  If you're not sure, I'll tell you:   Its ME!!!!!!  I'm SO excited, check out the birthday counter we got goin' on!  I'm SO excited, its gonna be INSANELY fun!!!  So check out all the fun and exciting stuff we got goin' on here -- Hopefully I'll have more new pictures around Thanksgiving, maybe -- so you for SURE have to come back sometime and check it out!

Me all dressed up for my OAC prom!


The Photo Album is FINALLY here!!  check out some candid pics (and some not so candid pics) of me and all my buddies!  We got the mouldy banana, the barf pic, and SO many others!

My mp3's - for those of you who are interested, I have posted a list of all the mp3s on my harddrive, and I am willing to share through ICQ - Go see!

I would just like to make a quick shout out to the good folks (namely Laurie) at Laurie's Free Graphics, where I found all these wonderful graphics and things that you see here, on this very page!!  She has a great site, go see all she has to offer!!!

My links page - Through my web travels, I've found these very cool pages, and I think you should check them out!

My Coolie Friends - go read up on some of my closest, and coolest friends!  Also go visit their webpages! I said at the top of the page, I'm a first year student at the University of Guelph studying science, I play guitar, sing, write songs, read, hang out with friends, shop, talk, and I've been known to attend the occasional party or two...  ;)
I feel obligated to take a quick minute to say hello to the folks that count, namely my parents, my sister Taryn, my best friend Rebecca, Steph N, Becky, Charlene, Katie, Nikki, Josh, Mandy, Claire, Jon H, the Triple Boys, Cathy, Sharon,Adam F, Andrew C, Heather E, Heather P, Erin, Stef W, Chelle, Bill, Janet, Ian, Gary, the coolest cuz around (Katie H), Nag, Mike, Trevor, Mike G, Dave the Babe, Owen, The Alcove Girls (Mishie, Beccah, Shauna, Jen and Sarah and honourary Glacier 2 member Karrie), Stu & Dave, Jill S, Mike D & Natalie.  To anyone I forgot, sorry, and you and I both know your name should be here, so let me know!
Well, I think that's all I have to say here, so check out the rest of my page, and don't forget to
sign my guestbook!!

About Me - For those of you who just NEED to know more about me, check out this page for whatever info you may be looking for!

My Bands Page - Here is where I get to pretend I know what I'm doing and salute the bands that I enjoy tremendously! Check them out, links to their official pages are there too!

Laurie's Free Graphics - A great page with some great graphics, and they're completely free!!  What more do you want!?!?!