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Poobie's Rugrat Page

Tommy love to rock all day long, but takes a lot of nap breaks.

Two of Tommy's friends.

I'm Poobie and I love the Rugrats. My favorite Rat is Angelica cuz my mommy and daddy says I act like her sometimes.

I have a little brother, his name is Dinker. Dinker LOVES Elmo but he also likes the Rats and Pooh. His favorite is Tommy cuz he is a brave and daring baby, just like Tommy.

Here are some more pictures my mommy found of the Rats.

This is my favorit Rat.

I like Chuckie cuz he tries to keep the other babies from getting in trouble.

My two favorite Rats together.

This is what my mommy's kitchen looks like when my friends come to play.

This is what happens when my mommy sees the mess.

I'm helping my mommy potty train Dinker, so this one had to be here.

Here is Tommy with his two 'bestest' friends in the whole world.

This is me with my 'bestest' friend.

I hope you visit Dinker's pages, he'd feel really bad if you didn't.(But he's just a dumb baby!!!)

To visit Pooh!

To visit Elmo!

To visit mommy's page!

To vistit Gordon!

My mommy has set up another page for all to see, click on the button of the page you want to visit.

To Elmo's World!

To A Bug's World!

You are the Counterperson to visit my page! Email me at my mommys e-mail address:
Please come back soon and visit me.

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