Dinker's Pooh Page!

Click on the Nimmo to get your own NeoPet!!! Better than a GigaPet, almost as much fun as a real pet. Get yours today!!
elmonut got their NeoPet at http://www.neopets.com

Here are my pictures of Pooh and friends.

Eeyore is happy today cuz his tail is still on.

Now where did I put my hunny?

Piglet is looking for Pooh. Did you see him?

Hey piglet, I found Pooh. He's in the hunny again.

Pooh loves chasing butterflies, they got pretty colors.

I like to play this game too. Peek-a-boo!!!

My mommy has also set up another page for all to see, click on the button of the page you want to visit.

To Elmo's World!

To A Bug's World!

You are the Counterperson to visit!

Email me at my mommys e-mail address nmk1@ptd.net

Please come back soon and visit me.

To visit Rugrats!

Back to Elmo!

To visit my mommy's page!

To visit Gordon!

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