Jenifer & Gary

The happy couple

September 12, 1998

Thank you for visiting our pages. These pages are dedicated to our wedding, one of the greatest days of our lives (so far). I've built these page for our family and friends (and strangers) so that we can share a very special day with them. If you have any pictures or stories to share with us, please be sure to share them by emailing us or signing the guestbook (links are at the bottom)! We hope these pictures and memories will help you relive the joy, happiness, and fun of the day.

Inspired by James and Melissa Feck's wedding pages, these pages are laid out in an illustrated storybook format. Small pictures are found in the text. Clicking on the small picture will whisk you away to a larger version. The pictures below will take you to the different parts of our special day. This same menu will appear on all the major pages so that you cannot get lost. Just click on the picture and you will be magically taken into the world of our wedding. Comments and suggestions are welcome.

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Reception Formals Credits
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