Welcome to Susie_p's HomePage!!!
Hi there!!! I notice that a lot of people have been visiting my site lately! Thanks!!! I will try to get some new pictures of me on here. Don't forget to sign my guestbook and tell me what you think okay? Have fun! :)
My site includes the following now:
Page 2
- a little more information about me!
Page 3
- pictures and comments about my Cyberfriends!
- remember let me know what you think!

I like to meet new people in the MIRC chat channels. I am usually on dalnet or efnet or undernet #toronto!!! I also have icq! My number is 5974542. Give me a call sometime. :-)

I have a new job now that keeps me pretty busy. I don't chat as much as I used to!

You can contact me at smp59@hotmail.com!
Hope you have enjoyed your visit! I look forward to seeing you online!
This is Linkon the Lion!!! If you want to see and know more about me, just click on him! This will take you to Page 2!!!!