My Space


Congratulations!You made it! Alright, so I made it, but let's not get technical here. If you haven't been here before, welcome to my world. And if you have well it's nice to have you back. I guess I was sorta hoping this webpage would help to capture my true "essence", for those of you who know me real well, yea, I know, scary thought! For those of you who don't, you're probably better off. Since you're here already though, we'll see if we can find something that amuses you.

Well for starters, that's me. Yep, the one and only, which is a good thing, 'cause contrary to popular belief, the world couldn't handle more then just the one.

For those of you who have actually gotten this far, I guess you're gonna stick around. So, a little more about me! Gee, what can I say. I'm a native born Californian, 19 years old, living in the beautiful Sierra Nevada Mountains and attending college in Long Beach (Nursing Major). I work at the lake over the summer and am into horses, music, movies, sailing, and skiing. I used to tell people "whatevers cool at the time", since that seemed to describe it best. (No drugs or alcohol though, that stuff's just not for me.) I'm up for almost anything at least once, but no promises! People tend to think I'm really quiet and reserved at first, however it doesn't seem to take them long to learn otherwise. I guess my biggest thing is just being fun, I'd rather be in a good mood then not, so I usually am. Likewise I really don't care what other people think of me, there's too many out there to please them all, so as long as I like me, life is good! In a nutshell, I guess that's me.

If you'd like to contact me, feel free to write me:

Or, try reaching me via ICQ #14019651 or on AOL IM "Jalihat".

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