Hello and welcome to my homepage. My name Angela Rose Owen but most of my friends know me as Charlie ( a nickname since birth). Anyway....

I make jewelry, collages, watercolor and 3 dimensional things such as decorative boxes and gifts. I have also done a lot of print and layout design for wedding invitaions. Currently I am focusing more of my energy towards a more graphic oriented art form, such as cd covers, club fliers and magazine art, which you will see if you care to view my artwork pages.

Thank you for taking the time to explore a bit of my world.

Please sign my guestbook. I would appreciate any comments and responses .
Please take a momment to check out my gallery located at this great artist community site   http://charlan29.deviantart.com/gallery/
a.r.c. owen
Siamese 2003 Collage andPhotoshop
1/11/05 UPDATE:  Finally put some of my jewelry and ornament designs on here. Please take a look by clicking the jewelry link on the left.
3/7/05 UPDATE: Uploaded some songs I created using the Mac Ap. Garageband to the online community Macjams. Check 'em out. 
9/26/05 UPDATE: I am currently working on uploading a lot of new jewelry for sale I can also accomodate custom designs/colors for necklaces and earrings. Please contact me at charlan29@yahoo.com with any questions.