This will eventually be my new and improved
website. Yeah! But once again, I need you all to contribute to my
site. For starters, why don't you go sign my Slambook
(guestbook). And don't lie.
Please, do not hesitate to send me poetry, artwork, jokes, or
pictures that I may like. Let me know if you have any suggestions
for my page.
If you have any question suggestions for the slambook, let me
know what they are
To get in touch with me, e-mail me at lena_k_29@hotmail.com
Hey everyone!!!

Poetry: Read
and be inspired by the poems and short stories written in the
poetry section.
Music: Get the latest info on your favorite
bands/groups/solo artists here.
Pictures: Check out the pic
of the day, week or month. (it all depends on how lazy I am) The
pics may vary from cute animations to pictures of friends and
Art Work: Gaze at the
dazzling work of our future, and present artists.
Jokes: Laugh out loud with
the joke of the month.
Links: Links to sites that I
find interesting.(If you know of any interesting site, let me
Dreams: Dreams that people
have had. Does anyone know how to analize them?
Birthdays and important dates:
So that you can all keep on track!!!
Poll: I wanna know what you
Pen Pals: Find a friend from around the world.
Movies: Popular, rare,
classic etc. movies and links to the movie sites. Movie reviews
from YOU!...or critic.
Astrology: Find out what is in store for you in the future,
and links to your past!