Welcome to my main page!
The Catpoopman is everywhere!
cleaning needy kitty cat boxes everywhere
So what should I tell you about myself, seeing you were so curious...  Well lets see, I am married, quit smoking over a year ago, gained 35 pounds since quitting smoking, love mexican & tex mex food, rarely drink, am a speed freak (my car record is 147mph, and my bike record is only 130 (need to borrow a faster bike)), rarely watch television, work at a boring job that pays me well, cursed with a bad disk in my back, think The Big Lebowski was comedic genious, enjoy sci-fi, love cats, hate woodchucks and groundhogs  (32 confirmed kills and counting), speak my mind too freelly, believe people will let you down if you give them a chance, believe if you agree to do something then you do it, born in California, love asparagus, hate broccoli, thrive on steak and potatoes, listen to alternative rock, drive a toyota truck everyday to work,  hate to mow the lawn, dislike cold weather, rain, snow and sleet, grow a garden every year, play golf, love motorcycles, dislike police, believe gun control is wrong, believe the Red Sox will someday win the world series, think politicians are all full of crap, think my wife is beautiful, think farts are funny, drink root beer and donate to charity. And that's about all I can trhink of.
My Suzuki SV650 Page
Vance & Hines on SV650 Page
My wife's Suzuki GS500 Page
Screw you Christmass card
I don't really use this page so If you want to know about me then look a the links above.

Why the name catpoopman?  It started out as a joke nickname for a friend who always had to clean the kitty box.  I use the name because its funny and unforgetable.