Nan's Place

So glad that you've found my homepage and I welcome you
here and I hope you find this to be a fun, peaceful place
where you'll find little bits of this and that and most of all,
you will find me!


Just like you, I have many interests and wonders and
problems. Just like you, I enjoy the Internet and the
friends I have made here.  I thought it wouldn't happen,
that I could truly care about folks whose faces I've
never seen, but it's happened and it has been a
wonderful gift.  What fun!!


I picked this scene for us to meet as I spent many
wonderful years on the beach and on my grandpa's boat....
Ah, those were the days!  And as the song goes, I
really thought they'd never end. I can no longer frolic
in the sun as I have Lupus and the sun brings on bad
flare ups. Lupus has made life difficult, but not
impossible and I'll have a page and links dedicated to
that and I will also share with you one of my hobbies,
which is Ham Radio and I hope you come to enjoy it
as I do. You might want to check out my amateur radio club
website that as of now, I am the Webmaster. Just click and see
LIMARC's Website C'mon, take a look! C'mon?? =)
There'll be lots more, lots of fun stuff, and I might include my
poetry and I just might scan in some of the sketchings
that I've done. Who knows what else? I've only just begun!
OK, so I began a little bit ago, but at least I've added
this message to you, come back again!


I must apologize, but I've been busy and there are no pictures
or poetry anywhere yet. I had some nice pics of the parrots,
but I had it on a message board that went out of business. =(
I haven't been able to scan in any of my silly lil sketching stuff.
It's nothing special, but I thought it would be fun to see online.
I've been busy with my club's web page and I have neglected
my own, but I think it's time for me to get hopping and do
some work here. It's now February and I still haven't added anything.
Bad Nan Bad! LOL! I promise soon... soon I will add more.
We have a new kitten now (little girlie Charlie), so I'll have to
change the page subject to include her, she is such a sweetie!
I hope you try out the Xara Instant 3D Heading maker.
It's pretty cool, so drop a line and let me know how you like it.
Well, I promise I will get going soon to snap some photos and
put them on this site. I hope you check out the Amateur Radio
page and maybe even visit my local club that I mentioned above.
If you'd like you can check out my latest work at this site...
www.csfllc.com It's not fancy, but has a lot of information about this business and great personnel.
Hope to see you again here soon!

My Family

My House

My Parrots and Kitty! This link won't work, they went out of business.

Amateur Radio

Lupus and more

Friends' Links


Artwork hehehe

Birdie holding email
Send me e-mail

Try out this easy Xara 3D Heading Maker for FREE!
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Click for Islip, New York Forecast

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Thanks to my great hubby, Rich &
to Raymond & Carol for your help & support!
And special thanks to my friend, Monsieur Clause, who REALLY made it happen! Even though we have not had recent contact Raymond, Carol and Arden; I remember how you helped and convinced me to give it all a try. I will never forget that you were the ones who got me started. My heartfelt thanks!
Now I'm trying to learn cascading style sheets and Flash, what fun! Sometime soon, this page will be programmed differently and hopefully, better. To my family & friends, this is for you!