Most of the worlds energy needs are met by the use of fossil fuels. However, fossil fuels are limited and will eventually run out. In order for future generations to utilize fossil fuels, we must find ways to conserve them along with finding alternatives to them. So what will it be, fossil fuels? or our future?The Task
You will need to make a decision and take a side on this very important issue. To help inform your self better you will need to:
- Find out what fossil fuels our country consumes
- How much of each fossil fuel our country consumes
- What are some of the alternative energy sources being used in our country
- Where are some of the examples of alternative energy sources being utilized
You will use the information you collect to produce a short commercial persuading others to join your side. The commercial will be produced in groups of 3 or 4 so make sure to find other people in the class that share your view.Process
The following is a list of steps you need to follow in order to complete this task. This is simply a list and not the exact order you should follow. It is up to you to decided how you want to approach this task. Please remember, all steps must be completed regardless of what order they are done in.Resources
- Print out needed forms
- Find information on natural resources
- Find information on renewable resources
- Complete data sheet 1
- Complete data sheet 2
- Print out a map of the U.S.
- Plot sites where renewable resources are being used
Below are a list of links that will help you find the information needed to complete this assignment.
- Fast facts about fossil fuels
- EIA Quick Stats
- US Department of Energy-- sources and production
- US Department of Energy-- supply and consumption
- Green Mountain Energy Company
- Maps
- More maps
- Alternative Energy Institute Inc.
Below are the links for your data sheets. Click on the link and wait for the page to load. After that, click on the "print" button to print the entire page.
You will be graded according to what degree you complete each of the items. Below is a chart to show you how the grading will be done.
Below Average Skills
Average Skills
High Skill Level
Data Sheets
-Data sheets not complete
-Information provided is incorrect
-Data sheets complete
-Some information is incorrect
-Data sheets complete
-All information provided is correct
-Incorrect map printed
-Locations incorrectly identified
-No map provided
-Correct map printed
-Some locations misplaced
-Correct map printed
-All locations correctly place and identified
Commercial-Commercial does not back up viewpoint
-Commercial is nonsensical
-Commercial contains no valuable information
-Commercial attempts to back up viewpoint
-Commercial has a logical setup
-Commercial contains some pertinent information
-Commercial backs up view point
-Commercial presented in a logical fashion
-Commercial contains valuable information
Now that you have collected you data, completed your map, and found supporting evidence for your viewpoint, it's now time to drive your point home and persude the class to join you in your ideas. Find other people in the class that chose the same side of the issue. Then, group up into 3's or 4's and start brainstorming some ideas for your commercial. Congratulations on completeing the first part of this task!