Hi, You have found me, Rose2Hold. My name is Rose and I live in New Jersey. I am originally from upstate Pennsylvania.
I am an Aquarius, and I love to surf the web, chat, read and write poetry. I believe in love, and all the happiness it can bring. Without love, there is nothing.
As you can already guess, what my favorite flowers are, LOL, I learned a long time ago, that you have to take time out and smell the roses. Life is hard and the road is long and winding, with alot of obstacles, but along the way, the roses are beautiful.

You can usually find me in:

  • SapphiresChatRoom

  • MarriedButFlirting

  • House of Sex

  • NJ Flirts

  • They are all great rooms, I have met so many wonderful friends in the chats. I also have met a few friends that I call "family", they are a big part of my life. I don't know what I would do without them.
    They have always been there for me through the many storms in my life. They always give me a shoulder to cry on, a sympathetic ear, they share my joys, laughter, tears, and sorrows, they are never judgemental, they are very loving, caring, and understanding, I love them very much.

    I want to take you into my rose garden,the part of my world, that I spend alot of my time. I hope you find it informative, as well as useful and enjoyable.
    You will find a little bit of everything in here, so sit back and enjoy.

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