<BGSOUND SRC="/prbutterfly/youaremyspecialangel.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
I am 53 years young.  These pages are dedicated to my family and all my friends.   I spent very little time updating my site in 2007.  Stan's care takes most of my time, and I try to fit in work, housecleaning, bills, etc.  My website always was a mirror of my feelings, and now, I find that hard to share with anyone.

Happy New Year and be happy in 2008 and always
Jan. 1, 2008
The Breast Cancer Site - Click the Angel to Help
Local Weather
"Reflexion de Mon Coeur"

Reflection of my heart
Local News
Word of the Day
More Family Photos
A few of my  favorite quotes.....
Love me when I least deserve it, because that is when I really need it.... Swedish proverb

Mr. "B" (Blanco)
There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved ~ G. Sand
Aunt Bea and Mom are very special women who I love very much.
My grand daughters in 2001
My best friends  .........
Comander and Chief JFK and Commander LT Col. Roy H. Marks, Indian Springs, Nellis AFB NV
My grand daughters in 2006
My daughter Angie and my grandson in 2006
My daughter Namaste
My daughter Nichole
Keep our soldiers in your prayers and hearts as they continue to protect us with their honor and lives.  Take a moment to thank them and show your support. 
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