Hello everyone and welcome to a warm little place I've created on the Web. This site is just a few pages of things about me and some things that I like. I'm 19 years old, currently I am still attending college to persue an associates degree in Office Technology, Administrative Assistant. I graduated from college in May of 2001 with honors and as an Office Systems Specialist. I am sorry to report that I am no longer competing in the Fantasy Fights. Thank you for visiting my site!! *smiles* Have a good day everyone!!

Life ~ What a
Beautiful Choice!


Adopted: June 13,2000

Stop Abortion ~ Not A Beating Heart!

This RingSurf
Divine Diva of the Web
Net Ring owned by

Diva ~*~Angel*Eyez~*~.



Next 5 Sites



I am extemely happy to say that I am now a member of Phi Theta Kappa, Omega Epsilon Chapter. This is a very high honor that I have worked very hard for. I am also listed in The National Dean's list book and also Who's Who Among American Junior Colleges. For once in my life I can honestly say that I am proud of my accomplishments and who I am as a person. I have just about everything that I have ever wanted, a successful educaion, and


true friends. Those that have contributed to my success deserve many thank you's, and my sincere gratitude.
Love, Tonya Lynn

PLEASE! If you visit my site, please sign my guestbook.
Have a nice day!!*SMILES*

by GuestWorld

Fro also made this for me.
Thank you Fro, you are an angel too! *smiles*

This adorable angel is on my adopted ones page.
Go here to find the link to where I got her.

Please do not take the graphics from my page. Some were given as gifts, but I have made most of them. If you would like to have one, please contact me first and ask, I will gladly let you use them.
Thank you!

© Tonya Lynn 2000-2001