*Crazy times at Ohio University*
weather in shitty ol athens....^
*~*Hangin with the roomies*~*
Diane & Me
Belt it Britney!
Long live the FUNton game....love the early mornings with ya chels!*
So yea we lost chels for a night....and we found a "wanted" sign necessary...
Chelsea, Me, Stephanie
chillin with the girls in the nates' room
1 of the many random moments in 125
Druuuunk w/the girls
yea...why am i wearing a hat..i dont know.
yea steph....dont EVER try to vegetarianize us again...or we'll eat you
room 125 lookin hott
The original Joe Dirt right there..lookin good TY
Ty & Chiv lookin sexy as ever..
wow ace..wow...and sorry i cut off your head...^
Rm 125 and our guests
1st floor Mack aka the dyke floor..haha
A few friends from home and chels
*come again soon guys!*
My Shaney baby and me!*
*GREAT people and GREAT times at OU*
chillin w/bryson
>>Me & Chris<<
THE NATES' LOVE AFFAIR EXPOSED!!!!!!!!!!!!  haha love you guys, we'll miss ya ritter
Room 123 along with room 125 causes some trouble:)
Sean & me BEFORE the eyebrow grew back...haha
"so what did the fish say when he ran into a wall?"
"oh tarter sauce!??"
"uh no...dam"
*Phish Stix & Tarter*
Me, Huber, and slutbag sanford..haha
Just makin out w/my boys...haha
Hangin with  my future husband shanedogg at Wayne Street--->
mf, me, mtp....GO BUCKS!!!!!!!
Shane & me crowdin the keg
Bringin my roomies to meet osu friends
Chelsea and Pisstopher
Me & Chivy
Me & the boys...stew wtf are you doin????
Piss, Me, CHivy, and Sticky Nikki*
MTP druuunk as usual.....
***sorry girls!!!!...all my pics of you guys are at home***