<bgsound src="ashokan.mid">
USA Peace Officers Spouses Support and Encouragement Group
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The Eagle
Her eyes are clear and bright, they reflect the wisdom of the ages.
Her feathers are sleek and beautiful.
Her wings are majestic as they are out stretched holding her aloft.
Her heart is tenacious and full of life.
Her talons are powerful and hold firm.
There are those who reflect her image in the way they live their lives.
Those of us who have been blessed to know such an officer have been forever changed.
Keep your eye fixed on the eastern sky my friend for the one that created 
you is returning for you, so soar high my friend soar high.

 By  Cpl. D.J. Rogers
Posted with permission


This site created and maintained by Darla R.
USAPOSSE © 1998-2004
All Rights Reserved
The music is called: "Ashokan

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