Ok well this is my homepage to just let the world know a little about myself.  I have some pretty corny pics on here, but hopefully you will like!

For some strange reason, people like to know what kind of a person I am.  Well here goes i guess (hey, you asked for it!):

Status: Single 

Age: 20

Sex: Female (duh)

Nationality: Honduran

School: University of Central Florida, sophomore standing

Activities: Army ROTC (hoah!), Concerts, Clubs, Sports, Art, Music, and just having a good time you know?!

Music: I'm a headbanger pretty much.  I gotta admit I love STP, ( if you like them, then you know what that stands for), Incubus, Sevendust, Godsmack, Linkin Park, and the list goes on.  I also LOVE TRANCE IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN HINT HINT..
80's music is good too,
and other stuff as well.

Corny shit about me: I like to act like a total dork at times because it helps to make me a more approachable person i have learned. I guess I am a pretty nice person, and i'm always up to meeting new people.  So if you wanna know anything else, just ask! 


ReCeNt PiCs

ChIlDhOoD PiCs
****Please note that this page is still under construction and more pictures will be added shortly! Sorry for the inconvenience!!!****
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