<BGSOUND SRC="/nice_baba/userfiles:/user/rain.mid">
Welcome to Mandy's Homepage!
Hiya, you may find this webpage a bit cheesy as i wrote this when I was 20, you know what a teenage girl thinks. haha.  well I recently updated it and try to  keep it as clean and neat as possible. Just  some pictures and details of me to give you a brief impression of who Mandy is. So  I hope you 'd like it. 
th to visit since 20th January, 1999
Hey! You are the
Hello, It's Mandy here! Thanks for visiting my Homepage

About me

Mandy's Strawberry Land

My Resume

My College

Write me

Feeling at a moment
-poetries written by me

My Albums
LAST UPDATED : 27th June 2006