
~Baby's Corner~


Hi!  You can call me Sweetie
I am thrilled to have you visiting my site! 
This is your official welcome to Baby's Corner
and I hope you enjoy your stay.

/user/BtflyFlash.gif /user/BtflyFlash.gif

I am a college student and I am an English major focusing on Creative Writing.  I think college is a lot of fun.  I also love music.  Some of my favorite bands are Pearl Jam, Limp Bizkit, The Doors, Third Eye Blind, Garth Brooks, BoneThugs, and some more.  My absolute favorite is Dave Matthews Band. They are the best.  I love to write poetry as well.  As a matter of fact, I write poetry all the time-usually at least once a day.  I love spending time with family--mainly my mom and my dad--and with my friends. I especially enjoy being with my cool and crazy (like me)  friend Audrey, my cool roommate Jennifer, and my wonderful boyfriend Dwayne, whom I have been dating since Christmas of 1998! When I am not out with my friends or doing work for school, 
you can usually find me on America Online's Instant Messenger as
Instant Messenger is a great way to make friends.  Sometimes you come across someone that you find out you know and realize how small this world really is!   I would love for you to send me a message!  I am always willing to talk.  Just let me know that you visited my site!




To See More of Dave Matthews!


Click here for a cool site full of posters of every kind!


This poem is about my wonderful Honey.  He is the best friend a person could ever have.


In all the world
there are billions of people
but none of them matter
because they are not like you.

In all the world
there is no better friend
than one who is understanding
and I see that and more in you.

In all the world
there is nothing I would rather do
than spend my life wrapped up
in all the happiness I have found in you.



to read a cool poem by my friend Jeremy dedicated to his Sweetheart!


If you have any suggestions for my site, I would love to know.  I would also love to know what you think about my poetry.  Please send me a message.  All you have to do is...
Post a message on the message board at the bottom, or...


I would love to read poetry that you write.  If you have a poem you would like to have someone critique or proofread or just give an opinion on, please send it to me and I would be glad to take a look.  Send the poem to the e-mail link below on this page and I will be sure to get it.  And if you ever need help writing a poem, let me know and I would be more than happy to help!  Thanks for visiting Baby's Corner!


ME >>>>>


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A Very Special Thanks to my Friends Jeremy and Jack for their Help and Suggestions for this Site!