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We welcome you all to the world of FIREWORX.

We have been working for the youth especially students with a view to that they can enjoy and participate in extra curricular activities  and get to know students from different colleges, with different personal backgrounds, with their own viewpoints. We like to organize such group get-togethers, fairs , parties with a culture common to all students irrespective of caste, sex, creed, etc to inculcate a value of fun,  Entertainment & Life. This has also helped us gain a lot of respect and mileage in terms of recognition, contacts and develop our own abilities.


We also like to try and help the not - so rich students to be able to enjoy the facilities enjoyed by the rich. This is an argument not so favored by a select few.


Click Below For Our Forthcoming Event !



Webmaster :  webmaster@fireworx.com