Email me at lzmw@hotmail.com
Quote of the Month:

"Saw the gap again today
While you were begging me to stay
Take care not make enter
For if I do we both may disappear"
-Tool "Pushit"
Aug. 30, 2003
I'm sittin at home, with literally nothing to do. So I figured I'd update the journal, and that's about all I've done. I also took out the lyrics page, since it was annoying that we never did anything with those, and they weren't worth shit to begin with.
Aug. 26, 2003
Been a while since I even touched, let alone looked at this site. Alot has changed really, like everything else in my life. To be frank, there has been alot of thing occur. I'll update my journal for more information, but that which changes always remains the same. I also delt addressed my other MP3 collections, since I have since created more that are worth your while to listen to, in the creator's (your's truely) opinion at least. So get off your lazy ass and email me, and you can hear me. Who knows, you might like it.
June 17, 2003
Well, I thought I'd just write this to say that I added another MP3 song I recorded just the other day. The title is for a friend of mine, since it's instrumental, I really didn't have much to call it. I'm still working on a perfection song for someone else, but that's another story. I'm going to update my journal while I'm waiting for my pc to work right, so check it out too.
June 14, 2003
I'm experincing something strange in this day. This has been the second day in a row I've not been the least bit depressed, it's been since Friday night that I haven't. I figured I'd update the sight, and acctually do the journal update, since I've experincing something new. Otherwise, no new updates.
June 2, 2003
Well, I've finally started using HTML on this page. It'll help to organize things a little better, especially when I get better at it. Right now though, I have little to say, I'll update the journal agian, but that'll be it, sorry folks, not much to say today.
May 31, 2003
Now, this is honestly insane.  I am probably just going to update the Journal page this time.  I have alot to say, but not much room to say it in.  Feel free to still download more of my songs from the Music Page, I'll try to get another site up with more space and a higher bandwith to store more songs I play on recording soon.  But until then, I encourage you to check up on Jess's Homepage, she's an interesting person to say the least.  One of the few real people in the world.  I suggest you check that out, then come back here sometime.  Until then, See ya.
Jan.19, 2003
This really isn't an update, more like a word of warning for the site.  I know have 99% of my storage space taken up, so looks like I'm gonna be moving some things.  I decided the best approach to this is to move the Music page (or just the downloadable files) to a different site.  So if that link goes dead, give it a while.
Jan. 18, 2003
Hey, it's been a while hasn't it?  Yeah, things have changed indeed.  I meet someone special, lost them, then got them back, and two holidays have past during my time away from updating this place.  I dunno why I even update it, no one ever looks at it.  I'm no longer a host on the radio program though, because I had to get a job (need cash!!!) and I gave my spot up to Heather.  So now, I'm just a guest, but I still have the ad on here to support my friends.  Also, I haven't decided what to do just yet with this stuff, I need to learn some more HTML and change the site around, but read the journal for more.  Oh yeah, new Guestbook too!
Nov. 20, 2002
Well, another update, this time I changed the layout on the Music Page, got rid of the games page, and updated my journal.  You should figure those things out on your own, I have a few album reviews on the Music Page now, so check it out.  I also reverted the background to the Cliff and Clouds.
Nov. 29, 2002
Yes, indeed, I've made this more unorganized now.  As you will learn from my Journal, I am sorta, well, hmmm, single I guess.  As if I wasn't before, but whatever, I don't really feel like getting into it on my index page.  I expect to hear from you about this site, in the guestbook.  I'll work on getting a better Guestbook and better layout, as well as a better background, the Pheonix and Dragon just don't work well with any fonts whatsoever.  And yes, I know, I got rid of the blue people and got a new title.  But I reinstated the favored clouds.  Added a link as well, hope she notices.  I'd also like to know if the games section has a point to it, so I'll develop a quiz or just expect you people to email me.  I also added some stuff to the music page, as in, I think I'll start putting up my published album reviews, for my adoring public.
Day 1....
Well, I have had second thoughts about this place, after viewing an interest of mine, and her website, I decided, why the hell not.  It beats having 6 Billion people out there that don't know me, I would rather it be closer to 5.9 Billion.  Besides, I'm bored....  So Basically, the site is back open for business, and as you can see by the background, It's changed a bit, like I have over time.  Oh yes, be forewarned of the Drunken Goats!!!