Shadowrunner's Home Page

Welcome to my page. This is a complete mish-mash of a whole bunch of stuff that I enjoy. Primarily, it deals with the WizKids RPG Shadowrun, which I kill a lot of my weekends doing. I also have some info about some of my favourite games. Since I'm still actively playing any game on here, check back periodically for changes.

NEW!! 12/03/08 ... Miss me? Yeah, it's been a while and as any who frequent this site might have noticed, Steam & Shadow, the replacement for this page has gone under. Hosting issues, unfortunately. So, I've got a new site up and running, called The Data Haven. It's a blog format site, but it should allow a good amount of improved interactivity with visitors and I aim to get all of my material moved over as quickly as life allows (we see how well that worked with the last site, I suppose...).

I have a slew of new 4th Edition material to post, so if you're looking for some of the new stuff, fire me an email and I can hopefully rhyme off a few of the hooks that I have in store and maybe even send you the associated Word document. No promises on speed of reply, however... :)

As usual, if you're in my neck of the woods and want to participate in my demos at Worlds Collide, let me know and I'll notify you when the next event will be.

If you have input on the transition or the new site, feel free to email me. I welcome the feedback.


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7th Sea

Warhammer 40,000

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About Me

I have a little personal plot of real estate at MSN Spaces. Feel free to drop in and see what is going on in my day-to-day life, as boring as that may be. You might be able to learn when a new update is coming up.

Well, there you have it. Take a good look around, if you want. This is just another useless Web site for you to waste time on, but feel free. After all, that is why I made this...

Questions, comments, complaints? You can send an email to or sign my guestbook below.

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