<BGSOUND SRC="/kaptain_kirk_lydell/" LOOP=INFINITE>
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A Tear, To Never Grow Weary
Where is my time
That I may spend of her?
I forget nor by cry'n,
Thinking on what things were.
Fore not broken, just time hard.
I wish not to live,
But life'll lead me more yards
for her and I to forgive.
I thought that I could never again
Fell crushed by sorrow
And never to see pain
And only face morrow
And wish not to bleed and die,
Fore I'll live by either smile or grope,
But if shes anywhere to stand by,
Let it be by me, 'cause it's too long of a hope
To let go or give up.
And with this life only to see and hear
That clocks show time and not conduct.
So my conduct simply sheds tear.

So let it be known for time to tell
While a new tear gives birth,
That the evil perdifier goes to hell,
That sor'w is upon none on the face of Earth.

And that all has no fear of any, not shy.
I'll be mashed to quiver
That my tears will never die,
But only turn into a fountain, a river.

Cheers to Trust, and never fail ye',
That the pain for he will never grow weary.
And that too, will I intend to be.

By: Kirk Lydell Ford
Dedicated to the loss of passion and love ones.
Well, it aint too much to say about me...
I'm from Birmingham, Alabama and 23..
Hit me up, try to be creative
poetry is one of my interests. I like physical competition...basket/base/football and all arts, including ma arts.

Kaptian Kirk
email me at
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