Thisbe's Place!

Hi! Welcome to my homepage! Have a seat and I'll tell you a little about myself.. My real name is Jude and I live in Florida. I have been married for Three years ~ggl~ to the most handsome , wonderful guy I know.. who just happens to be my best friend...~BAS~ You all know him as Mulvane...On September 4, 2000 we had a beautiful little boy at 10:46pm.. (Labor Day LOL) He was 7lbs 10 oz and 19 inches long... We decided to name him Aricsul William.. He is so handsome *BAS* and he is a wonderful baby I can't imagine my life without him. ..anyway...I've been online for roughly five years now.. I chat in Joe's Diner where I have met many great friends.. ~BS~ Feel free to look around and don't forget to sign my guestbook and tell me whatcha think !~S~

My Dragons ~S~

In Memory Of
To My Love
Thisbe and Mulvane ~EG~
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Our Baby's Page

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