Welcome to my life!
Here's the family - me, mom & dad
Click on the pic to see more...
There are a few things to know about me...
...horses are a vital part of my life.
Mannie & I were named the High Point Novice Amateur team at the 2003 Zone 7 Zone-A-Rama!!!
~ 6 judges per class ~
3 firsts, 1 second, 1 third, and 1 fifth in Showmanship
5 firsts and 1 second in Horsemanship
1 first, 2 seconds, and 1 third in Western Pleasure!!!
Read more about it...
Our show ring successes from 2003 and some highlights from 2002...
...I love hockey.
Meet the Dallas Stars
Doesn't look like it'll be a fairy-tale season like last year...
...you rarely see me without a smile.
Email me at swoosh981@yahoo.com
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