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My name is Diana.
A little about me
I'm 18 and I live in Indiana.   I'm the only child in my family.  I have one dog whose name is Eclaire.  She is a Cocker Spaniel.  I also have two rabbits named Butterscotch and Daffy, and two rats named Hersey and Snickers.  I have deep brown eyes and brown hair.  I am very tall and cute.

  I graduated from Ben Davis May 31, 2002 and will be attending Ivy Tech in January 2003.
My bestfriend is Crystal.  I have known her since I was born.  She is the best.
  My other best friend is Holly.  She has been there for me since 5th grade.
My Family
I have a mom and dad.  They can drive me crazy sometimes but I still love them.

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