Welcome to
Darryl's Home Page

Thanks for visiting my web site. Come on in, pour yourself a cold one and relax. I've made a few changes that I think will brighten the place up a little. I still have Pics of me and Joey  that I will continue to add on a regular basis. I also have  The Sports Page that has fun things to do and links to my favorite teams.While you're there, don't forget to click on my "unofficial" sponsors and send a special post card to your drinking buddy! Speaking of drinking buddies... see the  Pics and Links  of a couple of mine. Change is common here so continue to check back often and see what's new. For those of you that like to chat, my ICQ # is 38178226. Feel free to give me a buzz or drop me an E-mail and find out more About Me . And don't forget to SIGN MY GUESTBOOK!


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