Click on the icon below to experence The Joy of Living: a community devoted to living life to it's fullest! It's message boards, stories, tips on happy living and more from people who've "been there and know what you're going through". Come and take a look around, stay a while and give input!

You are Rowlf!
You don't draw attention to yourself much, preferring to keep your cool and stay in the background

Click the link under Rowlf to find out which Muppet you are! I know I was suprised with the muppet I got!
Mail to:
If you have any personal comments or questions about The Joy of Living or my live journal you can send me mail by clicking on the mailbox.
This page is mostly for putting pictures on the web for my live journal purposes. Also it is so try to get more people to see my friend Joy's community. (I help out as much as my schedule permits me.) So please, stop by The joy of living or my live journal and let me know what you think.
Like I said this page is also for my live journal (which I don't know why I started but it's all good). So if you want to get to know me better click here or if you just want to see the pictures I've posted click on a subject. (Many more to come as days go by!)

What I
really do for a living

Before an evening at the Mirabar

A night of cake making and mayhem

John came to visit me...just random pictures

Whst else can I say...HALLOWEEN PARTY!!