Sup Everybody!!  This is Jillybeaner's Home Page!!  I know it looks like everybody else's but who gives a shat its cool cuz it's mine!!!
I live in Manitowoc, WI.  I'm 23 years old.  I work full time at Burger King.  Yeah yeah laugh it up but so what suckas at least i gots a job. 
I USED to like going out to bars and playing darts and pool.  But that part of my life is on hold cuz of probation.  Yeah i did it to myself but I only have untill March 25 2004.  Then I'm gonna party.  So right now i like to go to parties and WATCH people get drunk, hang out at Bitchen Kitchen and play poker, and well that's about all i can do in this little hell
hole of a city i call home.  I like Sponge Bob Square Pants and Fairly Odd Parents.  I like watching movies with frenz.  Spose i gotta give a shout out to some of them, like Lora, Aaron, Kalob, Travis, Joey, Sam, Misty, Lindsay, Malikai, and to Tara (donkey #1) who lives in Arkansas now :( and Simon who just graduated basic training and is off to Maryland for AIT.  Hope he doesn't get sent overseas yet.  That's enuff about my boring ass life.  LONG LIVE THE SHAT CHAIN!!!  (inside joke)
Click on the pic above and visit  make sure you check out the "Fuck of the Month"
Oh yeah I forgot to mention that if you click on the sponge bob pic you can e mail me and if you click on the spider it takes you to a magical "Kingdom"