<BGSOUND SRC="/cmangel518/userfiles:/user/sheseverywoman.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>
Pretty, Isn't it?
Christina's Home Page
Hello, my name is Christina and I am 27 (a female obviously). 
We live in Northwest Ohio, basically there isn't a whole lot to do, so I mostly work and goof off with friends.  (I say this only because I grew up in Virginia Beach...Ohio is pretty quiet by comparison!)
I am currently unemployed due to plant closure, but I am going back to school to finish my degree in Network Administration.  I'm on my last semester and so far I'm pulling a 4.0.  Pretty nifty huh?
Hello Everyone...Thanks for coming to my page.  It has been a blast creating it, even though it was frusturating at times.  What makes it worse is the urge to keep everything up to date!.
If you would like to e-mail me or sign my guestbook, go right ahead.  I will welcome any comments or suggestions you may have!
I have made a few changes lately, the biggest one is adding a second "index" page or a Table of Contents, so be sure that you click the enter button below so you can see my whole site.  I also added a way to download the songs on my site to your computer...just click on the music note. 
So as always, feel free to explore!  Enjoy!!
Victims (oops, Visitors)
Since Jan. 1st, 2000
Look up and you should be able to see if I am online.  Please don't be peeved if I don't respond right away.  Also, please be aware that I do not add people to my buddy list right off the bat, I like to get to know people first...way to many weirdos online (lol..I don't count)!  If you don't have yahoo, I also chat with AIM with the same user name...cmangel518.  Maybe I will hear from you soon?!!
I love to cook so I just had to add this!!
updated 10/3/02
Please click on "welcome" below to go the the Table of Contents so you can go to my entire site!!
Click on Welcome Button to view the entire site!
Click here to download or hear the songs on each of my pages.